Dear friends
Before Yeshua’s return as the King of kings and Lord of lords, the two witnesses must first appear. Who are these two witnesses? What is their role and when do they appear in Daniel’s 70th week prophecy? This teaching video will address these questions and more.
Jehu and Christine
Dear friends
What has the sounding of the seven trumpets to do with the Marriage Supper of the Lamb? How does this relate to our spiritual condition on earth? What has this to do with the return of Jesus Christ? This teaching video will give you spiritual insights from the Book of Revelation on the above questions and more.
Jehu and Christine
Dear friends
The opening of the Seals in the Book of Revelation triggers the redemptive plan of God for His people, Israel, and the world. So what are these Seals and when are they opened? Are all the Seals opened? Are we at the End of Times? These are some of the questions this teaching video tries to answer. Stay tuned to the end and be blessed by this teaching.
Jehu and Christine
Dear friends
In this teaching video, Dr Robert Mawire joins the dots on the in-gathering of the Jewish people to the destruction of world empires. The current crisis in Ukraine is part of God’s work in redeeming the Jewish people to Him. Do watch the Q and A at the end of the video where you will gain further insights into what God is doing in our midst.
Jehu and Christine
Dear friends
Come with us to enter into the Throne Room of Abba Father. Yeshua is calling us to “come up” as He had called John the apostles on the island of Patmos. This invitation remains open even at our present age. This teaching video takes you to the magnificent throne room of God and suggests a way for us to enter into His presence.
Jehu and Christine