Dear all

The time is near for the return of Yeshua. Dr. Robert presents the progression of the heretical teachings expounded by the Roman Catholic Church. Scripture is calling out to us from the rooftops to return to the Truth and the purity of the Word. Yeshua is returning for his Bride which is holy and pure, washed by His Blood and His Word.

Jehu and Christine

Dear friends

Whether you like it or not, the train has already left the station. The train carries new platforms, new technologies which will impact our lives like never before. The best defence is to ask the Holy Spirit to give you His Spirit of Understanding and Knowledge and what you ought to do. Brother Jonathan has given us a preliminary snapshot of the new reset that we will see in our lifetime. So be pre-warned is to be prepared. The slides are available for download on this website.


Jehu and Christine

Dear friends

Do you know the Jewish people tell stories by first giving you the finished or ending scene and then fill up the details in subsequent scenes? The last two chapters of the Book of Revelation are no exception to this storytelling sequence. To get a deeper understanding of the final two chapters, do watch till the end of this teaching video and be blessed.

Jehu and Christine Chan

Dear all

Chapter 19 is the climax chapter of the Book of Revelation. Yeshua is coming for HIS Bride. The Bride is returning with the Holy Spirit when the Last Trumpet sounded. Are you ready to receive Yeshua in the air? Is the Holy Spirit the Restrainer mentioned in 2Thess 2:7?  What will be the BIG signs for the return of Yeshua? Watch this teaching video to the end to discover also how to prepare for this final event of History.


Jehu and Christine

Dear all

The Church has gone through her dark ages and during this period, deception and pagan rituals and practices have crept into our faith. Dr. Robert Mawire in this teaching video takes us through events in the Church history where pagan doctrines had infiltrated the Church and immobilized Her power. Do watch this video with an open mind and allow the Holy Spirit to remove some of the cobwebs in our belief system.


Jehu and Christine