Dear all,
Who is the Mystery Babylon? Does the history of the Church throw light to this question? Who are the Ten Kings or the Ten Horns mentioned in Revelation Chapter 17? These are important questions that cry out for answers. You will not be disappointed by watching this video teaching up to the end of the video. Shalom
Dear Friends
Where is the Red Heifer? Is the Third Temple to be built soon? What happened to the powerful Apostolic Church when Emperor Constantine became the Emperor of Rome? How did the early Church move from a powerful living organism to a structured organization? These are some pertinent questions that this video attempts to address.
Jehu and Christine Chan
Dear all
Dear All
In John 4:35 Yeshua said, “there are still four months and then comes the harvest”. Do you know what He means by “the harvest”? What is He referring to? This video, which teaches the 7 proclamations of the angels, explains what the harvest is and when it takes place.
Jehu and Christine