Dear friends,

In this session, Christine and I will explore the most important chapter in the Book of Revelation. It is almost in the middle section of the Book of Revelation. The structure of this chapter follows what is known as Chiasm. It is the climax of the war in heaven resulting in the devil being cast out of heaven. He is no longer able to accuse us before our God.


Jehu and Christine

Dear friends

There is no need to guess the identity of the two witnesses. You will know them when the time comes! It is more important to ask ourselves: “Are we prepared for Yeshua’s return?”


Jehu and Christine

Dear friends

Do you know who is the 144,000 from all the tribes of the children of Israel who were sealed in the Book of Revelation? Why is the Tribe of Dan missing in the sealing of the 144,000? Why is there half an hour of silence? What happens when the Seventh Trumpet is sounded? When does the Rapture of the Church take place?  Do watch this video to find the answers to the above questions.


Jehu and Christine

Dear friends,

This video corrects some of my erroneous previous teachings, particularly on the interpretation of the Riders of the White and Black horses, I seek your forgiveness from those whom I have misled in my previous teachings. I repent from my previous studies on the Book of Revelation. I mistakenly followed many of the mainstream interpretations of this important Book without doing careful research and due diligence.



Dear friends,

The magnificence of God’s Throne and the Lamb that was slain is explained in this video teaching session by elder Jehu and Christine. Do watch this video to understand these two chapters deeper in the book of Revelation from the Hebraic mindset.


Jehu and Christine Chan