Dear friends

The letters to the seven churches in the book of Revelation have been well covered by many Bible teachers. However few teachers are teaching from the Hebraic perspective. Watch this video to find out more.


Jehu and Christine Chan

Dear all,

This is the latest WORD magazine from Jerusalem which I encourage you to take some time to look at the articles which may interest you. Click on the LINK provided above. (Under the Caption Word from Jerusalem)


Jehu and Christine

Dear friends,

The book of Revelation gives us strength especially during the Great Tribulation mentioned in the Bible. The baptism by fire is a precursor to the return of Yeshua for His Bride, the Church. His Bride must first be purified and holy as He is holy. Christine and I are starting an in-depth study of Revelation from the Jewish mindset. Such an approach, we believe, will give greater insight into the message Father God has intended for His sons and daughters. This Book study will go through verse by verse, precept upon precept. So do not miss it. Shalom

Dear friends

Many believers have become oblivious about the reality of hell and become complacent about saving souls. Hell is a real place. We need to be determined not to end up there. Neither do we want our loved ones to spend eternity there. This video is a wake-up call, challenging us to get ourselves right with God and also to reach out to save souls. Be blessed as you watch this teaching video, and do not hesitate to share it with your friends as well.


Jehu and Christine

Dear friends

Heaven is real.. Salvation is not our reward in heaven. Salvation is a free gift from Abba Father to those who believe in Him and His Son Yeshua who came as Son of God and son of man as a sacrificial lamb, to die for your sins and mine. So what are our rewards and how do we store up our rewards in heaven? These are some questions which this teaching session answers. Watch this video teaching and be blessed.


Jehu and Christine