Dear all
Last Sabbath teaching by prophet Robert opened a new and profound understanding on the purpose and covenants of GOD. This video has many deep truth and needs to be review over and over again to allow the truth to saturate your understanding. The return of Yeshua our LORD is very soon. Are you prepared? This could be your best of Times if you know the LORD or the worst of Times if you are blinded by the world and the evil ones.
Our desire and prayers is when you watch this video, your eyes of understanding is open to know the Truth.
Jehu and Christine

Dear friends
Prophet Dr. Robert Mawire has been a long time traditional supporter of the Pre-Tribulation teachings of the Book of Revelation, until he began to dig deeper into Scripture. To his surprise, he found many established teachings not supported by Scripture but were invented by misguided teachings of men.
Besides looking into the slides which you can download for further studies, you may want to watch his video teaching on the same subject available from my You-Tube Channel.
Jehu and Christine

Dear friends,
We had three blessed teachings from Jonathan Shek over the past Sabbath Marketplace Services. There is much food for thought. He has raised many items for prayers which stir us up to take these items to the heavenly courts. We are indeed living in the end of Times where knowledge and understanding are increasing at such a pace that we had never seen before. Such teachings and equipping for End Times are much needed by the Body of Yeshua for time such as this. So do download his Powerpoint slides for your further studies. Be blessed
Jehu and Christine

Dear all
The session with Jonathan has been a blessing to all those who had zoomed in. The Powerpoint slides are included in this website for your download and further studies.
Shalom and God abundant blessings be upon you always, as you continue to seek the Truth.
Jehu and Christine

Dear all
The slides for today’s session by Jonathan Shek entitle “Introduction to His Grace, HIs Power and His Glory!” is ready for download. Click below “LEARN MORE” to download.