Dear all
We have Prophet Amos teaching us on Prophetic gifting over the next two Sabbath Services. It is your inheritance to have the fullness of all the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The first step in receiving all the gifts is knowing it is Abba Father’s desire that we may have all the nine gifts of His Spirit. The next step is to exercise our gifts to extend the Kingdom of God.
So do not miss these two powerful teaching sessions.
Jehu and Christine
Dear all
In this coming session with Prophet Dr. Amos Jayaratnam, we will learn from him who has developed over the years a sensitive ear to hear directly from God. Why is this important? This seems to be an oxymoron question. However in our world saturated with fake news and wolves in sheep skins, we need to hear directly from God. So do zoom in to learn from this man of God whose entire life is devoted to know HIM and to love HIM passionately.
Be blessed
Jehu and Christine
Dear All
Do you know the names of God. There are more than 100 Biblical names of God. The names of God depict His character. He is the Father God, Jehovah Abba, He is our Provider, Jehovah Jireh, He is Elohim, the creator God. To know more of His name is to know Him more intimately.
Our prayer as you watch this video, you will be blessed and will seek after Him, who created you in His image and likeness.
Jehu and Christine
Dear all
This is a powerful sharing by Prophet Dr. Amos Jayaratnam on God’s Prophetic Calendar for this decade, a decade according to the Hebraic Calendar is a decade of proclamation. Do watch the entire video to understand that we are indeed the End-Time generation. So be forewarned is to be prepared.
Dear all
What a session we had with Bro Jonathon Shek where he shared on discerning the False Prophet. The Powerpoint slides are available for download for your further review and study. We are sure you were blessed. We were also blessed by bringing anointed preachers and teachers to the weekly Sabbath Service.
Jehu and Christine