Dear friends

Pastor Peter Tsukahira gave a clear and powerful teaching on the importance of returning to the Kingdom of God where God rules and reigns. When the twelve tribes of Israel recognized God as their king, the tribes left their tribal differences and united as one nation, under the rule of one king. This is how nations are birthed and become powerful under the guidance of the rules established in the kingdom. As you watch this teaching video, you will understand that the pathway to being a nation under God’s rule is to be disciples of Yeshua. You will also understand what it takes to make disciples of all nations.


Jehu and Christine

Dear friends

What does it mean when Yeshua says “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come into him and dine with him, and he with Me.”?
This is the doorway to entering into greater intimacy with Him.
In this teaching video, we will share with you some handles on how to open the Gateways into greater intimacy with the Lord.


Jehu and Christine

Dear friends

How should Christians view the building of the Third Temple? Does supporting the sacrifice of the Red Heifer make us Jewish by adopting their animal sacrifice practices? Why is the Red Heifer carefully selected and what is its spiritual significance? These are some of the important questions that Dr Robert Mawire explains with clarity, supported by Scripture. This is one of the best teachings regarding the Red Heifer and sets the sequence of events leading to the return of our Lord Yeshua.


Jehu & Christine

Dear friends

In Daniel 11, we learn in great detail about the battles between the king of the North and the king of the South. All these prophecies have come to pass as evidenced by historical events that played out in the years leading to the birth and ministry of Yeshua on earth. Will these events happen again? Indeed, prophecies do have double fulfilment, one in the past and the final fulfilment in the future. This teaching video discusses in End Times, the identity of the king of the North as well as the king of the South. How will this pan out before the return of our Messiah to rule and reign during the Millennium period?


Jehu and Christine

Dear friends

Here is the uploaded video on the last Sabbath Marketplace Service for your further study of its content. Do take time to go through the teaching. It is the desire of prophet Dr Robert Mawire for you not only to be blessed by his teaching but also to share and to teach others to love the Word and be prepared for the soon return of the King of kings and the Lord of lords.


Jehu and Christine