Dear friends

Are you ready for the return of our Lord Yeshua? What compels us to be prepared? In this video I highlight the correct motivation for your preparation and how to go about doing so. Watch to the end and be blessed.


Jehu and Christine

Dear friends

In this teaching video, we focus on 1Thessalonians 4:15-17. Who are those who are dead in Christ? They will be caught up before those who are still alive when Christ returns. Will there be two groups of saints: one who is kept safe and the other who will go through the refining fire during the Great Tribulation? Watch this video to the end to unravel the mystery in the parable of the five wise and five foolish virgins.


Jehu and Christine Chan

Dear friends

One of the best kept mysteries in the Bible is the mystery of the Passover Lamb. For centuries, the Jewish people have been sacrificing the lamb during Passover without knowing the mystery that one day, the Saviour of the world will come as the Passover Lamb. But this is not the end of the mystery of the Passover Lamb. To find out more, do watch this teaching video and we believe you will be richly blessed.


Jehu and Christine Chan

Dear Friends,

In this teaching video, we attempt to provide some clarity on these questions: Is the Ukraine-Russian Crisis backed by Biblical prophecy? (2) Will New York suffer financial crisis and destruction in the near future? (3) Why is the tribe of Dan missing in the Sealed of Israel in Revelation 7? (4) What does Daniel 12:11-12 tell us about the timeline of the return of Yeshua?


Jehu and Christine

Dear friends,

We are indeed living in the terminal generation. We will witness the return of our Lord Yeshua as the King of kings and Lord of lords. Do you believe this good news that all things will be made new when Yeshua returns to destroy our enemies? What are the signs that Yeshua had told us to watch for? Who is the Anti-Christ and who is his side-kick, the false prophet? How do we know we are really the terminal generation? These are some of the questions that this teaching video will address. Be blessed.

Jehu and Christine Chan