Dear friends
The Sabbath Marketplace Service was launched by the prompting of the Holy Spirit on January 5th, 2019, the first Sabbath of that year. This teaching video reflects on the goodness of God in enlarging the Sabbath Marketplace Service to reach believers from various nations. During this thanksgiving service, we also teach on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. For too long, the visible and more demonstrative gifts have been sought after. When a believer is blessed with the gift of healing by the Holy Spirit, the world is amazed. Now we are gradually recognising the gifts from Yeshua which come under the fivefold ministry to equip the Body for the work of the ministry. However, the gifts from the Father are not largely recognised and even sometimes made obscure. We need to be aware of the order of the gifts, starting firstly from the Father, then His Son and, last but not least, from His Spirit. We also need to acknowledge that these blessed gifts ultimately come from the Father. May you be blessed by watching to the end.
Jehu and Christine