Sabbath Marketplace Service 3 August 2019

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2, Kallang Ave 11th floor Conference Room, CT Hub unit 11-15

Dear friends

We had an interesting session today on understanding the history of the Jewish Temple. We now realize that the Ark of Covenant was only present in the First Temple which King Solomon built. The Second Temple which was built by King Herod, a non-Jew, an Edomite which blueprint was not instructed nor downloaded by the LORD as in the case of the First Temple. The glory of the LORD came to the First Temple but left when Israel sinned. No similar mention of the glory of the LORD for the Second Temple.

It is interesting that the Third Temple described in Ezekiel 40-48 could be the Temple during the Millenium rule and reign period.

The powerpoint slides are huge, about 40 MB and you may not wish to download them.


Jehu and Christine

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