The Marriage Supper of the Lamb is the culmination of the twin thrusts of the purposes of God the Father: first, His redemptive purpose through Christ’s death on the cross, and His resurrection; and second, the crowning glory of man, the zenith of his creation—the only creatures counted worthy to be His Bride. Then the phrase “God in us and we in Him” will truly become a tangible reality. God wants to find His ultimate pleasure, not His regret, with man His creation.

In this book, Jehu wonderfully paints us a picture of God’s purposes for the creation of man and woman, and His masterful work to bring fallen humanity back from the corruption of sin to become His Bride. Some of God’s ways are subtle, while others thunder so loudly that everyone will hear them. There are none so deaf as those who will not hear.

Jehu Chan takes a complex subject and makes it simple, revealing the majesty and simplicity of God’s purpose—a sign of His rhema revelation at work today! May the Father’s continued revelation to us show us the way to become His perfect, glorious and everlasting Bride of His Son, Jesus Christ.


Board member, FGB Gatekeepers Singapore