Sharing at ICEJ International Leadership Conference in Jerusalem (2017)

Jehu Chan - Mar 16 2019

Dear friends I chanced upon this video lost in my hard disk yesterday as I was doing house cleaning to reduce the numerous large files in my computer. It was my sharing as the Director of ICEJ Singapore branch at the International Leaders Conference held in Jerusalem in 2017. It is a short video for […]

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New Heaven and New Earth

Jehu Chan - Mar 10 2019

Dear friends This is the concluding video on our teaching from the book of Revelation with a summary of the events during the seven years of tribulation mentioned in the book of Daniel leading into the millennium reign and rule of Yeshua from Jerusalem. The teaching ends with my understanding from my study of the book […]

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Unpacking the Book of Revelation from the Hebraic Mindset Class on 2 March 2019

Jehu Chan - Mar 04 2019

Dear friends I finally learned how to upload a video that exceeds 15 minutes of time constraint. Here is the link where you could watch the entire lesson taught on 2 March 2019. If you benefited from this teaching, all glory belongs to Abba Father. Do share with your friends and “Like” the video as […]

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Unpacking the Book of Revelation from the Hebraic Mindset Part 5

Jehu Chan - Feb 28 2019

Dear friends This part 5 is the last of the 5 part video series of the lesson taught on 23 Feb 2019 (Saturday). We will continue to teach this coming Saturday 2nd March 2019 from 3 pm to 5 pm. Do plan to attend and I am sure you will be blessed too. Shalom Jehu […]

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Unpacking the Book of Revelation from the Hebraic Mindset Part 4

Jehu Chan - Feb 28 2019

Dear friends No one is perfect, only our Lord Yeshua. No more knows the past, present and the future, only our Messiah Yeshua “Who is and Who was and Who is to come” (Rev 1:8b). So do forgive us if our understanding is incorrect. We teach the book of Revelation with fear and trepidation. We […]

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