The Role of the local Church – The Great Commission

Jehu Chan - Feb 13 2018

On 11 February 2018, I preached a sermon which I would like to share with you. Here is the link you could watch the “Role of the Local Church and the Great Commission” message preached on that day. Shalom

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Nuclear War is Approaching

Jehu Chan - Feb 06 2018

Nuclear war is approaching! This is the mainstream prophecy of doomsday scenario within a short time, and definitely within our generation. Or is this so? Have I missed something which the Word of God has said or is it just what the soothsayers proclaim? If this is so, are you really to meet with Yeshua? […]

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The Will of God and your Calling for your life?

Jehu Chan - Jan 22 2018

I often struggled when asked “What are the will, and calling of God for my life? Do you have the same struggle? Let me share the revelation of the Word of God that offers clarity for me on these two important questions. In John 4:43 Jesus replied to His disciples when urged to take some […]

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Jehu Chan - Jan 15 2018

In the Book of ACTS chapter One verse 1b “Jesus began both to do and teach”. How often we reverse this important learning and impartation process by doing the reverse. We TEACH merely to impart knowledge and sometimes, we do not DO. What Jesus did was to do first, then to reinforce the doing part […]

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2018 will be a year of great exploits for the LORD

Jehu Chan - Jan 01 2018

The LORD impresses me that 2018 will be a year of great exploits for the LORD. What comes to mind is Daniel 11:32 “And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. Do you know Abba Father as […]

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