The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
Jehu Chan - Feb 25 2018
Names have significant meanings in history and even today. Abram means the exalted father. God covenanted with Abram to be the father of multitudes, many nations and hence the name change from Abram to Abraham, the father of multitudes. In the same manner, Jacob means “he who grasp the heel, or the supplanter”. After Jacob wrestled with God and prevailed, God changed his name from Jacob, the supplanter to Israel, the one who “He will be Prince With God.”
Have you ever wondered why the Bible always mention the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? To be consistent with the name change, shouldn’t it be the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel? This is what I learnt from this morning sermon and I am excited to share this with you.
Our God is still the God of the supplanters, God of the Jacobs of our day. If God is only the God of those who wrestled with Him and prevailed, then all of us who are still the supplanters and sinners will be lost!
Hallelujah! Jevohah God is still the God who reaches out to us, to redeem us, the supplanters, and the Jacobs of our days, from our sinful ways.