Timeline – Yeshua’s Return

Jehu Chan - Nov 24 2022

Timeline – The Return of Yeshua Introduction “Surely the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.” – Amos 3:7, the farmer-turned-prophet Amos declared in the Eighth century BC. We are so blessed living in this generation where many of the mysteries embedded in the Bible are being revealed […]

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Israel and Kingdom of God – Ps Peter Tsukahira

Jehu Chan - Nov 03 2022

Pastor Peter Tsukahira gave a clear and powerful teaching on the importance of returning to the Kingdom of God where God rules and reigns. When the twelve tribes of Israel recognized God as their king, the tribes left their tribal differences and united as one nation, under the rule of one king. This is how […]

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My Encounter with GOD

Jehu Chan - Jul 11 2019

Dear friends, My daughter and I trekked up the Summit of Mt. Kinabalu, the highest mountain in South East Asia on 19th June 2019. At the summit, I worship God, the creator of all things and the majesty of His creation. After an arduous trek back to my Airbnb apartment in downtown Kinabalu, I was […]

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Tour Promo Video to Israel – 9 to 20th October 2019

Jehu Chan - Apr 03 2019

Dear friends Do join us this year for an exciting tour of Israel where we will also cover Turkey, Jordan besides Israel. We will spend one day in Istanbul and then connect to Jordan to spend a day at Petra. The Tour will swing up to Israel from Agaba with the first stop at King Solomon […]

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Tour itinerary for this Blessed Trip to Israel and Jordan

Jehu Chan - May 05 2019

Dear friends ICEJ Singapore Branch is organizing the Feast of Tabernacles-Israel Tour which includes many exciting Biblical sites and the Jerusalem March. This is the year to visit Israel if you have not made the trip before. It is also the year to revisit as we will be going to Petra, Jordan. For more information, download […]

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