Unpacking the Book of Revelation from the Hebraic Mindset Part1
Jehu Chan - Feb 28 2019
Dear friends
My wife and I have been teaching the Book of Revelation from the Jewish or Hebraic mindset for several years. There have been many requests for us to record our lessons in video format so those who could not attend the class could watch the lessons in the comfort of their armchairs. We finally learned how to do this. The video capture may not be done professionally but our intention is not focused on technology but to spread the understanding of the Book of Revelation from the Hebraic perspective. Unfortunately, this is not commonly taught in churches or at seminaries today. However, we believe through the action of many of us who benefited from reading the WORD from the Hebraic roots, many will also come to know the heart of ABBA Father and unpacking the mystery of End Times prophecies. The TIME is now and the TIME is here. So thank you for watching these series of teachings. Do help to spread these lessons to those who are also seeking for deeper understanding of the Book of Revelation.
Jehu and Christine