A Powerful Testimony of the Executive Director of ICEJ

Jehu Chan - Aug 31 2016

“I am the Lord who heals you” A powerful testimony of healing – Revelation 19:10 What the LORD has done for Dr Jurgen Buhler, HE can do for you. Receive your healing today!   By Dr. Jürgen Bühler In late November, I found myself at Shaarei Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem for what I thought were […]

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Seven Seals of the Book of Revelation

Jehu Chan - Aug 28 2016

The Jewish Marriage Covenant – the Ketubah The Jewish marriage covenant is known as the Ketubah. It records the virtue of the Bride and the responsibilities of the Bridegroom. It is a scroll written on both sides, witnessed by seven witnesses, each provides his “signature” or “seal” on the scroll. The Ketubah is only to […]

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The 1000 years rule and reign

Jehu Chan - Aug 18 2016

And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write – Rev 3:14 Did you noticed in this last and seventh Letter, the focus on this letter has changed? The earlier six letters focus the church in a particular place i.e. the church in Ephesus, the church in Smyrna and so forth. The earlier six letters […]

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The sons of God and the Bride

Jehu Chan - Aug 11 2016

The Menorah (Lampstand) has seven lights. The fourth light is known as the Shemesh light or the Servant light. In Genesis 1:14-19, God created the sun and the moon on the fourth day and hence the number four points toward the sun, which gives out light. In a similar way, the Son of man is […]

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Food for thought – the Letters to the Seven Churches

Jehu Chan - Aug 09 2016

Hebrew hermeneutics recognises Scripture on four levels which can operate simultaneously. P’shat – direct, simple; Remez – hinting Darash – commentary, comparison and Sod – deep, hidden Perhaps the Sod or deeper meaning to the Seven Letters to the Seven Churches could denote the timeline from the Garden of Eden, the Fall of man (Genesis […]

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